prime number is a number that is divisible only by itself and 1, below is a program which will print prime numbers from 1 to entered range, explanation of every line is given in comments also at end we have added a flowchart by which you can easily understand the working of this c program.
If we want program for specific range then just remove first printf and scanf statement and replace n with that range
example: prime numbers from 1 to 100
void main()
int num,i,n;
void main()
int num,i,n;
printf("Enter the range: ");
printf("Prime numbers between 1 to %d: \n\n",n);
printf("2\n"); /* we print 2 since 2 is 1st obvious prime number */
for(num=1;num<=n;num++) /* for loop which will run 1000 time */
if(num%i==0) /* if reminder is zero then its not a prime number therefore we break the execution and check next number */
break; /* to stop execution there itself and increment value of variable i */
else if(i==num-1) /* checking i equal to num-1, if true then value in num will be printed which will be Prime number */
printf("%d\n",num); /* print prime number which is stored in variable num */
i++; /* incrementing i so that we can keep on checking the next numbers */
} /* C Program to print Prime numbers 1 to n by */
if(num%i==0) /* if reminder is zero then its not a prime number therefore we break the execution and check next number */
break; /* to stop execution there itself and increment value of variable i */
else if(i==num-1) /* checking i equal to num-1, if true then value in num will be printed which will be Prime number */
printf("%d\n",num); /* print prime number which is stored in variable num */
i++; /* incrementing i so that we can keep on checking the next numbers */
} /* C Program to print Prime numbers 1 to n by */
Note: this flowchart is for range 1 to 1000
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