Simple C Program to find Fibonacci Series using For Loop


    Using this program a user can find a fibonacci series of entered number, so first let us understand what is Fibonacci Series. Numbers in Fibonacci Series are known as Fibonacci numbers. It is a series of number having particular pattern. For example first few numbers are:- 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21...
Except first two numbers other numbers are found by adding previous two numbers. Ex: 2 is found by adding previous two numbers (1+1). see the program and observe the output, you will understand what exactly Fibonacci Series is.

void main()
int c,n,t1=0,t2=1,display;
printf("Enter a number\n");
printf("Fibonaci series:\n",n);



This is the output you will get if you run the above given program to find Fibonacci Series using For Loop.

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