C program to display the Content in a File

By executing this program screen will display text in a file. you need to enter file name with extension and file should be in directory folder.

//Program To show content in file. by SlashMyCode.com  

   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>

int main()
   char ch, file_name[25];
   FILE *fp;

   printf("Enter the name of file you wish to see\n");

   fp = fopen(file_name,"r");
        if( fp == NULL )
              perror("Error while opening the file.\n");

   printf("The contents of %s file are :\n", file_name);
  while( ( ch = fgetc(fp) ) != EOF )

//Program To show content in file. by SlashMyCode.com  

   return 0;


This is text document in directory folder, with name 'SlashMyCode.txt'.

Just enter the file name with its extension, and program will display text content in it.

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